brand identity / social media design / packaging design


The Client:

Awoken is a distinguished supplement brand committed to enhancing health and performance through carefully crafted formulas comprising clean ingredients. Striving to establish a prominent presence within the supplement industry, the brand’s overarching objective is to cultivate a global brand that resonates with among women worldwide.

The Concept Shaping:

The endeavor was to sculpt a brand identity that resonates with the prevailing sensibilities of our target audience, thereby boosting emotional responses amidst a sea of similar products on store shelves. In pursuit of this objective, we embraced a bold approach characterized by vibrant gradients, aimed at captivating the audience’s attention. Additionally, we sought to infuse the brand identity with a holistic and spiritually enriching essence, positioning it as a transformative force within the female consumer demographic accustomed to conventional offerings primarily focused on physical benefits.


- Holistic Approach

- Power of Pure Nature

- Body & Soul Union

The Solution

The creative solution executed for Awoken epitomizes the harmonization of two distinct paradigms. By incorporating vibrant gradients and assertive sans-serif typography, we encapsulated the contemporary and rejuvenating essence of the brand. On the other hands, the serene scenery of a sunrise accompanied by birds on the front packaging illustration conveys the harmonious union of wellness and spiritual vitality, serving as the secondary facet of the brand identity.